The Preserve
is 1400 acres
of Santa Cruz
The Friends
of Foothills
serve in
many ways.
Some invasive
weeds are a
serious threat
to native plants.
Volunteering: We welcome volunteers to support our work, no experience necessary! Information and sign up.
Wednesday Walkabouts: On the first and third Wednesdays of each month, we are doing gentle reconnaissance hikes, a great way to learn about Foothills Nature Preserve. Information and sign up.
Public Access: At a meeting on November 3, 2020, the Palo Alto City Council abolished a 1965 policy restricting access to Foothills Park to Palo Alto residents, by a vote of 5-2. Effective December 17, 2020, Foothills Park was open to the public. The Palo Alto residency requirement no longer applies.
Name Change: On February 22, 2021, the Palo Alto City Council voted to change the name of Foothills Park to Foothills Nature Preserve.
Join our Sunday morning work parties, as we support native plants by removing invasive weeds from Foothills Preserve.
The Friends of Foothills Preserve
Volunteer Information
In summer we work to eradicate Yellowstar Thistle.
We meet on Saturdays and/or Sundays, as well as various times midweek, usually starting at 9:00 AM.
We welcome volunteers to support our work. Please sign up using the form below and indicate when you wish to volunteer. We will get back to you to confirm the date you request.
Wednesday Walkabouts
Twice a month, on the first and third Wednesdays, we are doing gentle reconnaissance hikes. We will explore and monitor past work areas, checking trails and looking for emergent non-native invasive plants. The pace will be slow, with many potential stops for botanizing.
Different every time! Everyone welcome, a great way to learn about Foothills Nature Preserve!
Limited to five people. Please RSVP using the form below. Free entry to the preserve to be worked out with your reservation.
Directions to Foothills Nature Preserve
See the Foothills Nature Preserve page, click here.

It may be
that some little root
of the sacred tree still lives.Nourish it then,
Black Elk
that it may leaf and bloom
and fill with singing birds.